Village cracks down on sale, use of electronic smoking devices
Saukville village trustees have approved an ordinance that will treat electronic smoking devices or vapor products like cigarettes.
The new ordinance, which went into effect June 18, makes it illegal to possess, sell or give electronic smoking devices or vapor products to anyone under the age of 18 and prohibits their use in village-owned buildings and grounds, in schools, on school grounds and at school activities.
Saukville Police Chief Robert Meyer said he noticed during a recent review of village ordinances that electronic smoking devices and vapor products were not addressed.
“I noted our possession of tobacco products by minors lacked the inclusion of vapor/e-cigarette products,” Meyer said.
“In the best interest of public health and safety to the citizens of Saukville, a change to the ordinance was needed.”
Meyer said there was no specific incident that prompted the ordinance change.
According to a resolution passed by the Village Board, the ordinance applies to devices and products known as e-cigarettes, e-pipes and vapor products.
“The purported benefits from electronic smoking devices (commonly as a potentially less harmful alternative to smoking cigarettes) have not been scientifically proven, and use of those devices has not been proven safe for their users or for non-users who inhale secondhand smoke,” the resolution states.
And, the resolution adds, because the devices are marketed in a variety of flavors that appeal to children and sometimes look like pens or USB data storage devices, they are often brought into schools.
The resolution also cited research that shows the devices pose health risks to children and can lead children to smoke cigarettes.
The ordinance does not apply to products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation.
Meyer said many other communities have a similar ordinance, including Port Washington.
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