Trust fund loan to help town buy new Waubeka fire truck
The Fredonia Town Board last week unanimously approved borrowing $670,000 to buy a new fire truck for the Waubeka Fire Department.
The town will borrow from the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands State Trust Fund at an interest rate of 4.75%. The town will make 11 payments of $79,000 per year starting next year.
Supervisors said the debt would have minimal impact on the town levy since by the time payments begin, the loan for reconstruction of Jay Road will be off the books.
It was a decision that didn’t set too well with some town residents.
“I don’t think the town taxpayers should be buying the Waubeka Fire Department a new truck,” one resident wrote in a letter read aloud by town Chairman Rich Mueller, pointing out that the fire department is a private corporation that contracts with the town to fight fires. “Give them a loan to buy one with pay back as done in the past.”
But town supervisors countered that firefighting was an essential service the town is responsible for providing.
The town pays the fire department more than $100,000 per year for fire protection, Waubeka Fire Chief Jason Caswell said.
With another fire engine purchase 10 years down the road, some supervisors said it’s a situation that can’t continue.
“Something’s going to have to be done,” suggesting it may be time for smaller rural fire departments to consider consolidating, said town Chairman Rich Mueller.
At the same meeting, the Town Board approved the 2019 budget. Spending and revenues dropped slightly to $745,045. The tax levy rose 0.6% to $500,180.
Town electors will gather at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, at the Fredonia Government Center to approve the budget.
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