Singer, songwriter to play in Mequon Oct. 19

    Singer and songwriter Bonnie Koloc and Don Stille will present a Wisconsin Singer/Songwriter Series concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at Unitarian Church North in Mequon.
    Doors to the church at 13800 N. Port Washington Rd. open at 7 p.m.  
    Koloc has been performing in Chicago since 1968 and her style has moved from a folk-oriented style to merge with jazz and blues.  
    She received a Governor’s Award in 1973 for Best Singer and recorded 10 albums, two of them with Epic. In 1984, she starred in the Public Theater’s production of “The Human Comedy,” earning her the Theatre World Bronze Award for Outstanding New Talent on Broadway and a Drama Critics Award nomination for Best Actress in a Musical.
    In addition to music, she is an active print maker, painter and ceramist who has had one-woman shows in the South and Midwest.
    In 1996, Koloc brought together her talents in “A Bestiary,”a collection of linocuts, poetry  and music, and in 1997 she created a one-woman musical for which she wrote the music and lyrics for 19 songs, designed and built the set and created all the costumes.
    She has also illustrated more than a dozen books for Free River Press.
    Koloc’s latest CD “Seems Like Yesterday” is her 15th album and contains live performances from the 1970s.     
    Tickets to the concert are $19 in advance or $23 at the door and $10 for students. Discounts of $1 per donated food item to a  maximum $4 will be given at the door.
    Advance tickets may be purchased at Vines to Cellar Winery  in Port Washington and North Shore Bank offices in Mequon and Grafton.
    Coffee, teas, water and snacks will be available for purchase.
    For more information, call (262) 457-4399 or visit
    Future series concerts include a community sing on Saturday, Nov. 2; Lucy Kaplansky on Saturday, Nov. 16; Anne Hills on Friday,  Dec. 13; Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rodgers on Friday, Jan. 17; Bill Camplin on Saturday, Feb. 15; Joel Mabus on Saturday, April 18; and Tret Fure on Saturday, May 9.



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