Schools get new rocket logo

Ozaukee Press staff

A collective effort between high school and middle school students and staff has resulted in  a new logo for the Cedar Grove-Belgium School District.

The impetus for a new rocket came from the website committee during an 18-month process to redesign the district’s website. The committee, said Supt. Jeanne Courneene, noticed that the site lacked a rocket.

The district had a rocket logo, but Courneene said staff, students and the community have said it looked more like a carrot.

The new logo is a combination of designs from high school students and staff, including a version from Principal Josh Ketterhagen, and ideas from middle school library aide Joanne Tubman, who has a background in graphic arts.

Twenty designs were narrowed to three, and the administrative team developed a tweaked final version.

Ketterhagen said the new design is “sleek, simple and sharp.”

“I am excited about seeing it around school and throughout our community,” he said.

Courneene said the “R” will still be part of the district’s branding, but the rocket will be incorporated into letterhead, uniforms and other district apparel. An online ordering system is being set up to sell attire featuring the new logo.

The logo was presented to the School Board last month.



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