Revised rezoning plan expected for Riverside Drive project

Village Board postpones public hearing on residential proposal in flood-prone area at request of developer
Ozaukee Press Staff

The developer of a proposed 9.6-acre residential development on North Riverside Drive in Saukville will submit an amended rezoning proposal, Village Board members were told Tuesday night.

The proposal to rezone the property from business to residential was scheduled for a public hearing Tuesday, but the hearing was postponed after developer Luke Check decided to submit an amended proposal, Village President Barb Dickmann said.

The village Plan Commission last month recommended that the proposal be denied after both the police and fire departments said they could not provide emergency services to the site whenever that area floods.

Instead, commission members told Check it would make sense to wait until a plan by Ozaukee County to rebuild a portion of the road to prevent it from being flooded becomes clearer.

Check owns a 40.6-acre property that is currently zoned for retail shopping and wants to rezone 9.6 acres of it to build single-family homes.

Access to the development, which lies in a floodplain, would be by a private road, according to the plan he submitted in December.

The fire and police departments both said last year that they lack equipment to access the property during a 100-year flood event.

The property could be lifted out of the floodplain, officials said, but access would still be problematic because Riverside Drive, also known as Highway W, regularly floods.

Details of the proposed development have not yet been submitted.

Ozaukee County officials recently announced that the state awarded the county $1 million to reconstruct Highway W from Green Bay Avenue in the village to Mink Ranch Road in the Town of Saukville, with the intention of lifting the road out of the floodplain.

Construction likely won’t occur until 2023 and would take two years to complete, officials said.

Environmental analyses need to be completed and real estate acquired for the upgrades to be done.



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