Outdoor concerts, movies take spotlight in Kapco series that makes debut June 5

Kapco Metal Stamping in Grafton will host Live at the Lot, an outdoor concert and movie series, each day from June 5 through June 20 in the company’s parking lot at 1150 Cheyenne Ave.

The series kicks off Friday, June 5,  with “A Celebration of Heroes” featuring Thompson Square, an event for heath care providers and first responders.

The Keith Pulvermacher Band and the movie “Frozen 2” will be featured Saturday, June 6, and on Sunday, June 6, there will be a New Life Church service as well as music by Joe 2.0 and the movie “Sonic.”

The event is affiliated with Kapco’s production company, K-Nation Entertainment. Live at the Lot is the region’s first live-event series since Covid-19 restrictions were initially put in place.

Patrons will be expected to maintain a social distance, and a limited number of vehicles will be allowed at each event. Passengers will be able to sit in their cars or in lawn chairs adjacent to their vehicles in a marked spot. Cashless-food delivery by local restaurants will be available.

All tickets to Live at the Lot must be purchased in advance at www.liveatthelot.com. Pricing is per vehicle, and the average cost will be $30, depending on the event.

Popular national and regional performers booked for the event include Pat McCurdy, the Keith Pulvermacher Band, Joe 2.0, Myles and Amanda Jazz Ensemble, Milwaukee Tool Shed Band, Zac Matthews Band, national recording artist Conner Sweet with Matt Wynn and many others.   

Live at the Lot also features a number of doubleheader Music & Movie nights, where a live music performance will be followed by a family-friendly movie on a 24-foot screen.   

For more information, visit www.liveatthelot.com or text “LiveatLot” to 555888 for an updated schedule.



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