NOSD adopts state plan to upgrade school safety

District procedures will follow new guidelines for handling shooter situations
Ozaukee Press Staff

The Northern Ozaukee School District has approved its state-mandated safety plan in case of a school shooter situation.

It requires building administrators to conduct drills, write an evaluation of the drills, which need to be reviewed by the School Board and then submitted along with the district’s safety plan to the Office of School Safety by the end of 2018.

According to a memo from school district Buildings Supervisor Jason Caswell, district schools conducted a live shooter lockdown drill in September. Students and staff reported to their designated “safe area,” where they were to remain silent and out of view from any windows. Staff were to turn lights off and take attendance.

The plan also included school staff making sure restrooms and halls were clear and, if a medical emergency is occurring in the classroom, slipping a red card under the door.

The NOSD School Board last month approved the evaluation, its Act 143 plan,  and crisis handbook. Act 143 was enacted by the state Legislature in March 2017.

In the drill, administrators found that two classroom speakers needed to be adjusted so announcements could be heard more clearly.

The next drill will add testing the “duress system” in each of the three school offices. It is a button that when pushed simultaneously alerts each of the other offices and the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office of a situation requiring a lockdown.

“Student and staff safety is our first priority and we have taken a variety of proactive steps to keep our campus safe,” NOSD Supt. Dave Karrels said.

“In addition to preparation, drills and regular safety assessments of all facilities, we have built some great relationships with the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Department and Fredonia marshal’s office. We have officers present on a regular basis with a focus on safety and building relationships with our students and staff.”

The School Board unanimously approved the drill evaluation and a crisis handbook, which also addresses such topics as bomb threats, sexual assaults and weapons found on school property.

Drills, reports and School Board review are required annually under Act 143.



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