Mobile food pantry to be at Grady Park on July 9
A mobile food pantry truck will be on site at Grady Park in Saukville from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, July 9.
The truck is sponsored by the Saukville Community Food Pantry, River of Life Lutheran Ministry of Saukville, First Immanuel Ministry of Cedarburg and Feeding America.
The mobile pantry is open to Ozaukee County residents. Proof of residency is required along with the names and dates of birth for all members of a household.
Subsequent mobile pantry dates will be 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, Aug. 13, Sept. 10 and Oct. 8.
The Saukville Community Food Pantry is located at Parkside UCC Church next to Grady Park.
Regular pantry hours are 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, July 13; Thursday, July 18; and Saturday, July 27.
The pantry also sponsors a free community meal every other Saturday at Parkside UCC.
Upcoming community meals are scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 13 and 27. Meals are served by volunteers from local organizations.
For more information, call 689-8591, or go to
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