Local Scouts help fill Saukville food pantry

Local Scouts help fill Saukville food pantry

Cub Scout Troop 3868 of Saukville, assisted by Boy Scout Pack 868 and Girl Scout Troop 8239, collected 2,147 pounds of food in support of the Saukville Community Food Pantry during an April 17 food drive. A total of $413 in monetary donations was also collected, including a $150 donation in memory of Lilliam Leona Pasek. Pictured are (front row, from left) Landon Guetzke, Owen Kulig, Carson Krentz, Wyatt Olson, Emma Andris, Evan Andris, Nolan Mosconi, (back row) Gillian Kulig, Marissa Brogni, Kyle Krentz and Charlie Peterson. Photo by Sam Arendt



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