LETTER: Many birds will die if Newport does not use bird-proof glass
To Ozaukee Press:
The writer concerned about the danger to migratory birds that the proposed new Newport Shores building presents is absolutely correct. A glass building of that size along one of the most important migratory bird routes, the Lake Michigan shoreline, could kill 1,000 or more birds a year.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution. Glass can now be made with small dots in it that are invisible to the human eye at a distance of a foot or two, yet still visible to birds.
The director of Bird City, Brian Lenz, convinced the Milwaukee Bucks to use this type of glass in the creation of their new arena (the dots are actually the Bucks logo). The City of Port Washington should insist on using this type of glass as a condition of approving the structure.
Ray Meyer
Port Washington
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