LETTER: If we faced a world war, would you want Trump as commander?
To Ozaukee Press:
I just watched the World War II movie “Midway,” an accurate depiction of young, strong, brave men who through sheer determination put themselves in harm’s way for their country in spite of odds stacked against them.
While I was driving home from the theater, I couldn’t help but think how far our country has fallen from that time. Ask yourself this simple question: If America had to face now what FDR and the nation faced then, would you really want that lying, tax-cheating, draft-dodging con man as your commander in chief?
He constantly puts the financial interests of himself and his family before the best interests of our country and I for one can’t wait to see him gone.
Republicans, ask yourselves: If he is innocent of all charges, why does he refuse to provide witnesses and documents to prove his innocence. I, and every person I know, would fight tooth and nail to prove our innocence if we were charged with a crime we did not commit. This man must not be re-elected.
Bruce Lorge
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