LETTER: How to help: United Way seeks volunteers during virus crisis

To Ozaukee Press:

United Way of Northern Ozaukee is committed to supporting our community during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Working hand-in-hand with local leaders to share information and coordinate resources is more critical than ever during these

The coronavirus has created voids for some of our most vulnerable residents.

We are committed to ensuring that they have the resources they need to weather both the short term and long term recovery from the health crisis.  

According to the ALICE Report, 27% of Ozaukee County residents are living paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings to address this crisis.

Many health and human service programs rely on a volunteer network to deliver crucial services. With seniors being at a higher risk for more serious Covid-19 illness, we can no longer tap into that resource.

To quickly deploy resources, United Way of Northern Ozaukee has dedicated a volunteer page on the volunteerozaukee website to coordinate volunteer response to the emerging outbreak of Covid-19 virus.

This page is linked with the Volunteer Wisconsin Covid-19 response initiative page.         

Before considering volunteering, ask yourself, “Am I well enough to volunteer?” It’s critically important that you consider your safety and that of others at this time.

The Center of Disease Control provides guidance on when to self-isolate and on how best to avoid Covid-19 at home and in other places.

If you are unable to volunteer, but can afford to give a gift of money, go to unitedwayno.org and  put your dollars into action in Ozaukee County to help our vulnerable neighbors.  

Barbara Bates-Nelson
Executive director
United Way of Northern Ozaukee
Port Washington




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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494


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