LETTER: ‘Bold and brash’ legislators burden state with bad laws
To Ozaukee Press:
Here is what you get when you vote for Robert Brooks, who recently described himself as a “bold and brash” legislator.
You get the following short-sighted and shameful legislation.
High capacity wells for irrigation that drain lakes, as in Waushara County.
The homeowners lose and are left on their own with no water.
If you like fishing, the mining industry and Foxconn want to dump their waste into rivers and streams.
Fish can’t live in polluted water.
The American Society of Civil Engineers rated Wisconsin roads and bridges at a D-plus.
The I-43 bridge in Green Bay collapsed several years ago due to the high acid in the Fox River causing the pilings to collapse.
However, our short-sighted legislators say that there is no money to fix roads and bridges in our state.
We take our lives in our hands every day when we drive over these structures.
There is a dead zone in Green Bay where the polluted Fox River and Lake Michigan meet.
No fish or plants can live in this polluted area. We have no legislation to stop this type of pollution or clean up the mess.
Prevailing wage is established by both union and non-union construction companies reporting what they pay for a work classification such as a “carpenter.”
Shameless legislators don’t want prevailing wage and this means all construction workers are forced to work for less money.
I will vote for Chris Rahlf, who has served her country, has been a construction manager for a large Wisconsin contractor and now has her own construction management business.
She believes in a clean environment, fair wages, public education and health care for all, not just the few who worship at the altar of the almighty dollar.
It is time we have a leader who is forward thinking and has a clear vision for all state residents.
Ted Poull
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Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
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