Kapco gathers notes for health care workers and seniors

KAPCO METAL STAMPING President Jim Kacmarcik showed off hundreds of letters of encouragement for health care workers and seniors who are affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The metal fabrication company in Grafton launched its Hero Mail Call initiative in April and has since collected more than 2,000 letters and seeks more.
Since launching a creative initiative to support health care workers and isolated seniors last month, Kapco Metal Stamping in Grafton has received more than 2,000 letters of encouragement for those being affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
“During this challenging time, millions of health care heroes are putting their own safety at risk for the sake of our families,” Kapco President Jim Kacmarcik said. “We also realize that senior citizens without any visitors are experiencing loneliness.
“Encouraging people to create letters and art expressing hope and appreciation can make a real difference for all involved.”
Kapco’s Hero Mail Call campaign is asking people of all ages to write a letter, draw a picture or create a video to express thanks to health care workers who are working on the frontlines during the pandemic, as well as provide hopeful and comforting messages to seniors who are either homebound or residing in long-term care facilities.
Dozens of nursing homes, senior communities and medical institutions have requested letters, so thousands of additional letters are required to meet the need, Kapco Vice President of Community Relations Neil Willenson said.
“Our philosophy at Kapco is we view philanthropy as a real privilege and opportunity to reach people,” Willenson said. “It’s a company goal to reach 1 million people a year. We’re not there yet, but that’s our trajectory.”
Approximately half of the letters are being distributed to health care workers and the remainder have been given to seniors.
Letters have been distributed to hundreds of seniors, including the residents of Village Pointe Commons, where several residents have died due to Covid-19.
Advocate Aurora has also distributed a number of Hero Mail Call letters and cards to their health care employees.
Messages are also being sent to health care workers and older adults who live outside of Wisconsin.
In addition to the Hero Mail Call campaign, the metal fabrication company supports a number of other charitable efforts such as Kids2Kids Christmas Toy Drive, Camp Hometown Heroes and the Kapco Charitable Challenge.
“Our employees never ask ‘What’s in it for us or Kapco?’” Willenson said. “Instead of shaping metal, we’re trying to shape lives for our employees and the people we give back to.”
For those interested in joining the cause, letter and picture templates can be found at www.heromailcall.com.
Messages should be sent to Kapco’s Hero Mail, P.O. Box 1170, Grafton, WI 53204.
Scanned pictures and photos can be emailed to heromailcall@gmail.org. For more information, visit www.heromailcall.com.
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