Even in bad weather, it’s still Port’s ‘nicest day’

Sophia Graham and Don Williams carried plates of food as they left the line at the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post clubhouse Wednesday, June 19, during the 46th annual Disabled Veterans Fishing Outing.

Although they weren’t able to get out on the lake due to the weather, the 76 veterans from the Veterans Administration Hospital in Milwaukee still had a good time during the annual Disabled Veterans Fishing Outing in Port Washington June 19. A plethora of volunteers were on hand to provide the vets with a morning of bingo followed by an old-fashioned fish boil and cookout. Port Washington High School athletes helped the vets, while younger students created decorative table coverings and painted rocks as mementoes. (Photos, from left) Painted beach stones were shown off by Sophia Graham and Hailey Bergin. Josh Kee prepared to boil the fish. Terrence Green and Erinn Kulba enjoyed a smile while preparing to eat.          Photos by Sam Arendt


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