Crews still working around the railroad

Reconstruction of Main Street forging ahead
Ozaukee Press Staff

While there’s no update on the permit from the Union Pacific Railroad needed to run a storm sewer under the crossing on Main Street in the Village of Belgium, crews are doing a workaround.

Excavation of the road 100 feet east of the tracks began this week. That work east to Beech Street is expected to be finished on Friday, Director of Public Works Dan Birenbaum said.

Curb installation is expected to start next week on that portion of the project, he said.

Residents on the north side of the road will be affected first, and then the south side.

We Energies has taken the utility poles down east of the tracks since power lines are being buried, and Frontier Communications is expected to start taking cables off poles on the west side of the tracks next week, Birenbaum said.

The delay in receiving a permit from the railroad, which officials have said is a common conundrum in construction projects, has not yet pushed back the project’s projected completion date of Sept. 28.

The next public information meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at Village Hall.




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