CG-Belgium, Ozaukee wrestling teams win

Ozaukee Press staff

The Cedar Grove-Belgium High School wrestling team won four of seven matches at Oostburg last Thursday and used seven forfeits en route to a 66-15 victory.

The Rockets’ top wrestler, Cael Erickson, pinned Landon Knez at 145 pounds in 2 minutes, 59 seconds. Cedar Grove-Belgium coach Trevor Peterson said Erickson “started with some takedowns” before finishing off the match.

At 160 pounds, Rocket Dylan Teunissen had the fastest match of the night, pinning Devan Laganowski in 32 seconds.

Rocket Winston Reichle at 132 pounds pinned Will Theune in 1:32.

Rocket Markus Ramirez at 195 pounds pinned Mason Hinz in 1:29.

Oostburg’s Angel Cortez pinned Gavin Davies in 3:13 at 138 pounds.

Jay DeBlaey pinned Rocket Justin Anzia in 1:23 at 170 pounds.

Nick Smies beat Rocket Deven Soerens, 5-0, at 182 pounds.

“Everybody who wrestled, wrestled pretty well,” Peterson said.

With so many forfeits and wrestling limited to one dual meet per week due to the coronavirus, teams have held exhibition matches after the scored portion of meets. The Rockets and Flying Dutchmen held seven, some of which allowed competitors to get a second match in that night.

The Rockets won five of those matches. Mason Hoopman, Jackson DeRuyter, Cole Augustiniak, Owen Morgan and Owen Williams scored victories.

Beyond that, some of the Rockets wrestled last weekend in a tournament. Wrestlers are allowed to compete in two events not sanctioned by the WIAA.

In addition, Peterson said he is working with Random Lake coach John Hatfield on scheduling a junior varsity dual match.

“We’re doing our best to get as many matches as we can,” Peterson said.

“It just feels like a different season this year.”

While Peterson said wrestlers may find weight cuts a little easier this year, matches show who is ready to go.

“I can tell we’re not in shape or where we normally are at this time of year,” he said.

“It’s a tough sport to begin with ­— the toughest sport, in my opinion — then you throw a mask on too yet. It’s hard.”

The Rockets are scheduled to wrestle at Mishicot on Tuesday, Dec. 29. Peterson said he had some fun things lined up for practices this week.

Ozaukee dominates Living Word Lutheran

Ozaukee’s wrestling team evened its record in picking up its first dual meet victory of the season last Friday at non-conference foe Living Word Lutheran, 45-6.

The Warriors went 5-0 in matches wrestled and scored four pins.

At 126 pounds, Phil McLarty pinned Cole Oechsner in three minutes, 50 seconds.

At 132 pounds, Cael Large pinned LIam Pheng in 57 seconds.

At 138 pounds, Talan Dybul pinned Ethan Brekenfelder in 3:48.

At 145 pounds, Jaysen Delleree pinned Jeremiah Lepien in 2:00.

At 120 pounds, Mya Delleree beat Calvin Stram, 8-2.

“We wrestled well.  Kids are getting better every day,” coach Kevin Koepke said.

The Warriors are scheduled to host Oostburg on Wednesday, Dec. 30.



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