Art honors

There’s still time to check out artwork from Cedar Grove-Belgium High School students at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan as part of Youth Art Month. Students, their mediums and titles of their pieces, are (from left) Marissa Prahl, oil pastel, Paris; Lydia Lavey, oil pastel, Doyoung of NCT; Jessica Mejchar, pen and ink; Jus’ Clowin Around; Allison Wieberdink, oil pastel, Oregon Shoreline; Sydney Albrecht, oil pastel, Sea Turtle; James Mejchar, ceramic, boar vessle; Bryce Ketterhagen, book, K; Jacy Zajac, oil pastel, untitled; and Harley Stern, mixed sculpture, Jurassic Park. Students learned under the direction of high school art teacher Don Urness (right). The exhibit runs through Sunday, March 31. Photo by Sam Arendt



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