Write-in candidate could become a trustee

Ozaukee Press staff

Voters will see some familiar names on their general election ballots in the Belgium and Cedar Grove area on Tuesday, April 2.

But the power of their pen could add a new person to the Belgium Village Board.

The village has two candidates running for three seats. Incumbents Sarah Heisler and Chris Plier are running, but incumbent Don Gotcher filed noncandidacy papers.

Nobody else filed papers to run.

State law dictates that the person who receives the most write-in votes will be offered the chance to join the Village Board. The person does not need to be a registered write-in candidate.

If he or she declines, the board then determines how to fill the spot.

Trustee’s terms are for two years. They receive $60 per Village Board meeting attended and $40 per committee meeting attended.

The Cedar Grove-Belgium School Board has three incumbents running for office. Kurt Kraus, Jeremy Spriggs and Jennifer Schueller are on the ballot. It’s Spriggs’ and Schueller’s first election after being appointed last year.

School Board member terms are for three years. Salaries are $1,600 for general board members and $1,700 for officers.



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