The witching hour in downtown Port

Port Main Street Inc. dedicated its Third Thursday last week to all things Halloween, starting with a costumed pet parade through the central shopping district followed by a Witches Night Out sponsored by downtown businesses. Linsey Howard brought her dog Roxy, who was dressed as a fairy complete with wings, painted nails and a tutu, to the parade. Among the other dogs in the parade was Khloe, who was dressed as a pineapple and held by her owner Bonnie Kocian under an umbrella on the rainy evening. Umbrellas and rain gear were standard garb for the parade — at least for the pet owners. Dressed as witches for the Witches Night Out were Barb Robillard, Cat Hilgart, Patti Kuester, Brenda Ingraham, Jenny Sacho and Stephanie Elliott. Photos by Sam Arendt
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