Voters drawn to the polls despite lack of contested local elections

Turnout is higher than expected as incumbents retain seats in Saukville
Ozaukee Press Staff

With no contested elections in either community, voters in the town and village of Saukville nevertheless exceeded turnout expectations, apparently drawn by local and state judicial races. 

Nearly half of the eligible voters in the town — 47.83% — went to the polls while turnout was less, at 34.09%, in the village. But both percentages were more than forecast by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, which projected a statewide turnout of less than 30%.

In the Town of Saukville, Don Hamm was re-elected chairman without opposition, garnering 471 votes against six write-ins.

Michael Denzien and Curt Rutkowski were re-elected town supervisors, collecting 370 and 311 votes, respectively, against eight write-ins.

Town Treasurer Gloria Arredondo also was re-elected with 452 votes against two write-in votes.

In the Village of Saukville, President Barb Dickmann was unopposed and collected 614 votes. There were 14 write-in votes.

Incumbent village trustees Richard Belling and Dave Maglio received 475 and 466 votes, respectively, while Andy Hebein collected 465 votes. There were 11 write-in votes.

Hebein replaces Joe Caban, who chose not to seek re-election.

In the Village of Newburg, Trustee Rena Chesak was elected president, defeating incumbent Jenny Strohmeyer, 185 to 166. 

There were three trustee seats open in Tuesday’s election, but only two candidates, incumbents Amy Marquardt and David De Luka, were on the ballot. They collected 184 and 168 votes, respectively. 

There were 195 write-in votes.

Strohmeyer was named president in November after former president Mike Heili resigned.

Chesak is the wife of Newburg Fire Chief Mark Chesak and has been accused of ethics violations because she participated in discussions on the village’s contract with the fire department, even though she recused herself from voting.

The fire department proposed a three-year contract with increases of 1% each year. Some trustees wanted the contract cut by 10%. The board eventually accepted the fire department’s proposal.

The board will decide whether to appoint Chesak’s replacement as a trustee or name the top write-in candidate as her successor.

Voter turnout in Newburg was about 51%.



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