Village says no go to chicken plan

Trustees’ 4-3 vote rejects proposed ordinance change that would permitted fowl
Ozaukee Press Staff

Plans to allow chickens in the Village of Saukville failed to hatch Tuesday, as trustees struck down by a 4-3 vote a proposed ordinance amendment that would permitted the fowl.

The amendment was considered by the Village Board after being voted down by the Plan Commission on July 15.

A public hearing was held before the vote, attracting more than 20 residents both in support of and against allowing chickens in the village.

Residents who spoke against the proposal cited noise and smell from chickens, decreased property values and the animals potentially attracting predators as main reasons for rejected the amendment.

Chris Lear said that while he has nothing against chickens, if the amendment were to be approved, it would be possible for his lot to be adjacent to five chicken coops.

“As the owner of a quarter-acre lot, those lots being the prevalent lots in our community, I’m concerned about the number of chicken coops that could be established just in my little neck of the woods,” he said.

Multiple residents also expressed concerns that hens and their eggs would attract more coyotes, opossum, raccoons and rodents to the village.

“They’re going to draw more predators than we have now,” Tom Murphey said.

Those in support of chickens in the village cited a number of benefits, including fresh eggs, learning opportunities for children and pet companionship.

Stephen Zehnder said he owns a larger lot in the village and would like to have fresh eggs for himself and his neighbors. He added that chickens would also offer valuable lessons to his children, who he homeschools.

“I want to raise chickens so my kids learn about chickens,” he said.

Residents also tried to address concerns regarding chicken ownership in the village.

Dianne Abbey emailed officials at the City of Cedarburg, which allows chickens, and received information that in the few years the fowl have been allowed, there has not been one noise complaint.

“There were no police calls, no complaints, no issues with the size of coops or any of that stuff,” she said.

Other nearby villages including Grafton and Fredonia also allow chickens.

Tim Schwister, the organizer of efforts to allow chickens in the village, said chickens at their loudest produce two-thirds the sound of a dog barking and that he does not believe noise would be a concern.

The board voted on two versions of the text amendment, one that was submitted by Schwister and one that was modeled after other area municipality ordinances that allow chickens.

The first version of the amendment, which stated residents could own no more than four hens, required coops, restricted the ownership of roosters and mandated that owners properly dispose of waste was unanimously voted down by the board.

The second version of the amendment however, which was drafted by the village attorney and stipulated many more requirements for chicken ownership, split the board’s vote.

 In addition to allowing single-family homes no more than four hens, the second version calls for the Plan Commission to approve coop designs, that chickens would be properly cared for and that they would not pose a nuisance to neighbors.

Trustees Richard Belling, Jim Nowlen and Trevor Seitz voted in favor of the amendment, while trustees Andy Hebein, Scott Fischer and Peter Janus voted against it. Village President Barb Dickmann broke  the tie with a vote against the amendment.

Trustees did not discuss their reasons for voting as they did.

 Following the vote, Schwister said he would reapply for the text amendment during the next Plan Commission meeting.



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