Village poised to hire business park consultant

Ozaukee Press Staff

Fredonia village trustees have decided to seek help in developing a new business park, following up on a proposal first made last summer.

The Village Board voted 6-0 on March 19 to direct Public Works Director Roger Strohm to put out a request for proposal (RFP) seeking a consultant to help the village “purchase, lease or otherwise use one or more parcels for the creation of a business park” with the aim of breaking ground within the next two years, according to the RFP.

The RFP specifies that a tax incremental finance district (TID) would be created to finance development of the park.

A TID redirects property-tax revenue to pay for installing infrastructure such as roads and sewer.

The consultant will be asked to help locate land, determine how much land is needed, act as the village’s real-estate agent and help negotiate with landowners.

“A portion of fees will be paid to the consultant upon completion of milestones,” the proposal states. “The consultant shall propose milestones and percent payment to complete the above tasks.”

Last summer, the board was set to hire Newmark Knight Frank Real Estate Services (NKF) as a consultant, but a majority of the trustees balked because they had not been given information on the consultant’s proposal before a meeting to approve the deal.

The village would have paid NKF $75,000 as an advance on future sales.

The NKF proposal had been discussed by the village’s Plan Commission, which recommended its approval. 

The village’s current business park is on South Milwaukee Street. Other potential sites include land east of Highway 57 and land north of the Northern Ozaukee School District campus, officials said.



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