Village to pave its part of Silver Beach Road


Ozaukee Press staff

The Village of Belgium’s portion of Silver Beach Road has been approved to be paved, which will complete a job that has been delayed for decades.

The Village Board on Monday unanimously approved the Public Works Committee’s recommendation to pave the road.

The project covers about 1,100 feet of the road from the wastewater treatment plant east to the railroad tracks, Public Works Director Dan Birenbaum said. The road will be raised and culverts will be put underneath.

The job, including engineering, is estimated to cost about $500,000. The village could use more than $250,000 of its American Rescue Plan Act money to help pay for the project, Village Treasurer Vickie Boehnlein said.

ARPA money, she said, needs to be assigned by 2024 and spent shortly after.

“This would be a good project for that money,” Boehnlein said.

She recommended the village get a five-year loan from an area bank to pay for the rest of the work. The village can levy for it if it can’t fit it into its existing payments.

“So half a million’s a lot cheaper than years ago,” Village President Pete Anzia said.

That’s because the Town of Belgium is paving the rest of the road. Plans for the village to pave the entire road included annexing it from the town, but that isn’t necessary now.

The Town of Belgium received a nearly $700,000 grant from the state to rebuild and pave its portion of the road from Highway LL west to the railroad tracks, and that work has started. Rebuilding the road is slated to be done this month, and paving is scheduled to be done in phases this fall and next spring. The cost to the town is expected to be around $300,000.

Paving the road will help keep semis exiting I-43 off of Main Street in the village. Silver Beach Road leads into the village’s industrial park, but truck drivers who don’t want to travel on gravel go through the village and approach the park from the west.

The village’s portion of the project is expected to be bid out in February with work to be done next summer.



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