Village looks a gift card in the mouth
As the season of giving approaches, the Village of Belgium has learned it’s not just the thought that counts; it’s the policy and procedure.
The Village Board last month approved updating its recognition policy to a bonus payment instead of giving out gift cards for a couple of reasons.
One, last year former Clerk Julie Lesar bought a $300 Walmart gift card for Dan Birenbaum to honor his 40 years of service to the village and 22 years as fire chief.
Birenbaum went to use the gift card and found it had a zero balance. Lesar learned the card was used four days before she bought it.
She bought a second card and found out it also had a zero balance.
Two, Village Treasurer Vickie Boehnlein said she learned that “this is considered pay and we are supposed to be reporting it.”
The village instead will issue separate bonus checks and cover its payroll taxes.
“This is one way to guarantee he (the employee) is going to get the money,” Village President Pete Anzia said.
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