Top eighth-graders honored at annual luncheon

Fifth-five students from Thomas Jefferson Middle School and St. John XXIII Catholic School, St. Peter’s Campus, who are finishing their middle school careers at the top of their class were the guests of honor at the 29th annual Eighth-Grade Honors Luncheon hosted by the Port Washington-Saukville Rotary Club and Positive Parent Involvement last week at Portview Church in the Town of Port Washington. Students from Thomas Jefferson Middle School who received recognition for their academic success were Logan Bares, Brielle Bertler, Emma Bollech, Sean Bongiorno, Emmerson Bridges, Isabelle Bright, Tressa Brogni, Michael Bunyan, Miles Carlson, Kate Cavanaugh, Emily Clearwater, Elizabeth Ernest, Ella Gilhooly, Alia Gourley, Emily Greene, Caroline Hadacek, Alyssa Hartline, Evan Huber, Emma Injeski, Brandyn Kassens, Samuel Kopp, Kamryn Lapacek, Tyler Laurin, Aidan Magnusson, Evangelene Mallinson, Shannon McConahy, Claire Meeks, Jakub Micha, Ella Mueller, Peyton Mueller-Stenz, Joseph Ollman, Molly Pashak, Gabriel Pasten, Brynn Peacock, Jacob Peacy, Sydney Rychtik, Peyton Schroeder, Micajah Shiflett, Jordan Smith, Trevor Streiff, Brayden Thompson, Connor Tremelling, Galina Vartanova, Katherine Wagner, Payton Yellen and Masud Zulfakar. St. John XXIII Catholic School students who were honored were Sam Linstroth, Camdyn Melin, Kate Nonn, Ben Schramm, Maria Wichmann, Clare Woods, Brynn Didier, Patrick Lippe, and Julia Schmit. Posing with the students (back) were guest speaker Mark Baden, chief meteorologist for WISN 12, and Rotary Club member Doug McManus. Photo by Sam Arendt
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