Select school group hits milestone

National Honor Society inducts a record 21 pupils

CEDAR GROVE-BELGIUM High School recently inducted a record number of National Honor Society members. They include (front row from left) Grace Velzke, Sophia Larsen, Brooke Braga, Olivia Robertson, Shelby Cooney, Kelsey Lukens, Maddie Sutryk, Karen Ibarra, (second row) Greta Beernink, Haven Lanser, Maggie Martin, Kaitlyn Wolff, Emilie Gruell, Brittany Obbink, Wesley Reichle, (third row) Reagan Beernink, Cole Augustiniak, Aaron Duenk, Wesley Katte, Ben Fleuchaus, Georgie Isken, (back row) Aaron Veldhorst, Logan Ketterhagen, Quinn Hoopman, Laura Jerabek, Payton Navis and Meta Wilcox. Photo courtesy of Tina Stauber
Ozaukee Press Staff

Cedar Grove-Belgium High School inducted a record number of students into its National Honor Society.

Twenty-seven students met requirements to be in the group.

Besides holding a 3.4 grade-point average, criteria includes leadership — elected roles such as student council members, class officers and team captains, as well as leadership in the classroom and community.

Other requirements include service to others without any financial or material compensation, and being a person of character by demonstrating trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship.

Science teacher Tina Stauber said she hasn’t seen this many students inducted in her 21 years as the group’s advisor.

Principal Josh Ketterhagen is pleased so many students met the requirements.

“I think it shows the character of the students here at Cedar Grove-Belgium High School. We have so many students taking leadership roles, service opportunities, and  (demonstrating) quality character,” he said.



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