School lunch prices rise

Ozaukee Press Staff

The Cedar Grove-Belgium School Board last month approved raising the cost of lunches across the board by a dime to help cover a shortage in the hot lunch fund.

The fund is running a deficit of $76,000, which officials said is caused by two factors.

The district last year bought a new walk-in refrigerator for the middle school for $50,000 to replace a leaky old one.

The district did not have enough money in its fund balance, essentially a savings account for unexpected costs, to pay for the equipment, Business Manager Kris DeBruine said.

The other $20,000 came when the hot lunch fund ran a rare operating loss last year. DeBruine said serving fewer meals while maintaining the same labor costs were contributing factors, she said.

The hot lunch fund usually breaks even or has a surplus to contribute to fund balance, DeBruine said.

“Is the 10-cent increase enough?” Board President Chad Hoopman asked.

DeBruine said it is not and she is looking at ways to reduce food and labor costs.

The new lunch costs are $2.55 for kindergarten through fourth grade, $2.70 for fifth through eighth grade and $2.80 for high school.



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