Roaming pugs rounded up

Mysteriously running free in a Town of Grafton field, Pugster, Pugsley, Pugzilla and Pugsworth are ready for adoption at Humane Society after being nabbed by deputies

FOUR PUGS WERE brought to the Wisconsin Humane Society’s Ozaukee Campus last week after they were discovered wandering in the Town of Grafton. Vice-President of Communications Angela Speed held Pugster and Pugsley who became available for adoption on Tuesday. The other two dogs should be ready for new homes later this week. Photo by Sam Arendt
Ozaukee Press staff

The Wisconsin Humane Society’s Ozaukee Campus is seeking homes for a grumble of four pugs that were found running loose in the Town of Grafton.

“They’re goofy, affectionate and playful. They get along great together,” said Angela Speed, vice president of communications for the humane society, adding that a group of pugs is called a “grumble.”

All the dogs are female and range in age from 2 to 10. Their names are Pugster, Pugsley, Pugzilla and Pugsworth, which were given by employees at the humane society.

Speed said they were brought in by the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office after the department was notified the dogs were roaming near Lake Shore Road in the Town of Grafton on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

The staff is surprised that no one has come to claim the pugs during the mandatory stray-hold period.

“It has astonished us that nobody came forward. It’s a mystery,” Speed said.

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, two of them became available for adoption, and Pugzilla and Pugsworth are in medical treatment and should be ready later this week.

Speed said all of the dogs had tooth decay and needed some of their teeth pulled along with other dental treatment. She also said one of Pugsworth’s eyes is partially collapsed and she has numerous tumors, growths. 

“She has all these medical issues but she runs around and plays,” Speed said. “She will need a pretty special home and someone with a special heart to take care of her.”

It has not been determined if the dogs are related. They also weren’t spayed when they were found, but have been since they came to the center.

Speed said potential owners have asked if the pugs were used for breeding and she said there is no indication of that. 

Speed said she expects the pugs to go quickly.

“There’s a lot of pug fans out there. I’m sure they all will find a home soon,” she said.

Interested adopters should visit, as the dogs will be posted to the website when they become available. Adoptions are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Donations for the pugs medical treatment can be made by visiting 


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