Riveredge to hold fort building, butterfly count

Riveredge Nature Center is holding its annual butterfly and dragonfly counts, a fort-building workshop and a tree climbing session Saturday, July 11.

The butterfly and dragonfly count will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Participants will learn to identify and document butterflies and dragonflies while participating in the counts.

Participants are asked to wear walking shoes and pack a bag lunch.

The event is open for adults and children ages 12 and older who are accompanied by a parent, and they may take participate in all or part of the day.

Face coverings are required while signing in, whenever indoors and when social distancing is a challenge.

Advance registration is required.

There is no fee but a $5 donation is suggested.

A fort-building workshop will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. July 11.

Participants will learn to build fort-style shelters with sticks, twine, leaves and other natural materials.

A Riveredge naturalist will offer tips to those participating, who will take part in a tour of the shelters at the end of the day.

There is no fee for All Access members, a $5 fee for Trail Pass members and a $7 fee for non-members.

The open climb will run from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday.

The program is for youths ages 7 and older as well as adults with little to no tree-climbing skills.

All equipment is supplied. Participants should wear loose clothing and closed-toe shoes, preferably with hard soles.

The fee is $21 for All Access members, $27 for Trail Pass members and $38 for non-members.

To register, call Riveredge at 375-2715 or visit riveredgenaturecenter.org.

Riveredge is at 4458 Hwy. Y in the Town of Saukville.



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