PWHS scholarship applications available for seniors, graduates

    Applications for scholarships awarded to Port Washington High School seniors who will graduate in June and alumni attending college are available.
    Members of the Class of 2020 and alumni enrolled in college may obtain applications in the high school counseling office or from the school’s website,
    Applications for graduating senior scholarships must be delivered in person to Kris Hess or Mark Bichler in the high school counseling department by 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3.
    A limited number of scholarships are also awarded to college students who graduated from Port High in 2018 or earlier, have completed at least one-and-a-half years of college and have not earned a four-year college degree.
    Applications for these scholarships are due Friday, Feb. 21.
    Last year, nearly $300,000 in scholarships funded by local individuals, organizations and agencies were awarded to graduating seniors. Nearly $100,000 in scholarships were awarded to graduates attending college.
    People or groups that wish to donate money for scholarships may contribute to the nonprofit Community Education Foundation of Port Washington-Saukville Inc. For more information, visit
    For more information about scholarships, contact Bichler, scholarship selection committee chairman, at 268-5565 or



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