Port City Band kicks off summer concert series on Sunday
The lakefront will be filled with the music of the Port Washington City Band on Sundays this summer starting June 9.
The band will play free concerts at Port’s Veterans Park bandshell in June and July as part of its summer music series.
The concerts, which start at 6:30 p.m., include shows by the full band on Sundays, June 9 and 23 and July 7 and 21, and by the flute choir on June 30.
The Tri-County New Horizons Band will partner with the City Band on the final July 21 show. The bands will host a food drive to benefit the Food Pantry Inc. in Port Washington.
The Los Balsameros Latin Band will play on Sunday, June 16, and the Five Foot Two Jazz Band on Sunday, July 14.
The Saukville Fourth of July parade and Port Washington’s Fish Day parade on Saturday, July 20, will feature the City Band.
The City Band welcomes musicians of all skill levels high school aged and older without audition.
Rehearsals take place at the Port Washington High School band room from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays, May through July.
For more information, contact Director Brett Dimmer at (414) 333-771, Band President Mike Bendt at (414) 333-5917 and Band Secretary Bev Ventura at (262) 483-0713.
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