Parish gives college students a helping hand

The Women’s Society of St. John XXIII Parish in Port Washington recently awarded $1,000 scholarships to two parish members for the fall semester. The Elizabeth Bichler Memorial Scholarship was presented by Pastoral Coordinator Bill Henkle (left) to two students attending Catholic universities — Katelyn Witte (center) and Megan Schnell. Witte, the daughter of Ken and Cindy Witte, is entering her sophomore year in the accelerated doctor of physical therapy program at St. Louis University. She has served the parish by delivering poinsettias to the homebound and giving more than 100 hours as an altar server. Schnell, the daughter of Jeff and Patti Schnell, is a 2020 graduate of Port Washington High School majoring in health science at St. Louis University who hopes to become a pediatric physician assistant. She has been a cantor and altar server at St. John XXIII Parish, as well as a fish fry and Food Pantry volunteer.                                                                       
           Photo by Sam Arendt



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