Officials’ pick for clerk declines village’s offer
Ozaukee Press staff
The Fredonia Village Board made an offer to hire a new clerk last month but the candidate favored by trustees backed out after the offer was made, Village Administrator Christophe Jenkins said this week.
“At the last regular board meeting, the board appointed a candidate. After taking the weekend to think about it, that candidate decided to stay where they currently work,” Jenkins said in an email.
The village has had a combined clerk-treasurer position in years past, but this fall, after hiring Jenkins as its first administrator, trustees in November voted to split the job into two positions, appointing former clerk-treasurer Melissa Depies as treasurer and seeking a new clerk.
Depies will continue to act as clerk-treasurer until the clerk position is filled, Jenkins said.
Jenkins said there will be no “final candidates” for the job until after the new round of interviews, which will begin this week.
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