Marquette University announces dean’s list

    Sixteen local students were named to spring semester dean’s list at Marquette University.
    Students from Port Washington and their majors are Brad Burbach, finance; Ally Doll, biomechanics; Kaylyn Garant, biomedical sciences; Elizabeth Klein, accounting; and Alex Penkwitz, finance.
    The students from Grafton include Jack Birch, biomedical sciences; Oliver Bjurstrom, nursing; Emma Brauer, anthropology; Makaela Faretra-Gundlach, nursing; Victoria Hanneman, chemistry; and  Parker Roloff, biomedical sciences.
    Students from Belgium are Colin Barrington, interdisciplinary environmental studies; Tristan Barrington, biochemistry and molecular biology; Gretchen Geiser, mechanical engineering; and Jaiden Schueller, public relations.
    Cassidy Yuhas of Saukville, who is studying speech pathology and audiology, also was named to the list.



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