Lubner family reunion

About 124 members of the Lubner family from across the United States gathered at the Landt-Thiel American Legion Hall in Saukville on Aug. 6 for a reunion (top photo). They are the descendants of Frank and Martha Lubner, who came to the United State sfrom Germany in 1900 and settled in the Town of Saukville. Most of those attending came from Wisconsin, but others were from as far west as North Dakota and as far east as Georgia. The third generation of the family — the oldest at the reunion — includes (right photo, front row, from left) Herman Lubner Jr., Bernice Lubner, Mark Lubner, Naomi Lubner Anderson, Holly Spaeth, Serena Fearing, (back row) Jim Lubner, Wayne Lubner, Kathy Lubner  Stuart, Tom Lubner, Steve Lueders, Dick Wilhelm, Morris Wilhelm and Mary Guslick. This was the first time the family had held a reunion in about 25 years.   Photo by Sam Arendt



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