LETTER: Two ‘suspicious’ amendments meant to limit voting power
To Ozaukee Press:
Be suspicious of referendums that show up on our ballots ambiguously worded and with no active promotion for their need.
Two such referendums are on the April 2 ballot. One would ban private grants of funding to support election administration. The other would prevent anyone not designated as an election official by law from performing any tasks related to the conduct of elections.
These referendums can result in permanent amendments to our constitution. Things that sound good aren’t always. Until the Legislature can provide us voters with adequate proof of the need for the two proposed constitutional amendments, I urge a “no” vote on both questions.
Since we the people have recently prevailed in the 13-year-long fight for fair legislative district maps, we can’t afford to risk another legislative scheme to limit our voting power.
Marcia Kaminski
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