LETTER: There is no proof Trump knew he lost presidential election
To Ozaukee Press:
Reading two letters to the editor in last week’s Ozaukee Press made me think one was logical and the other used misleading terms.
It is logical to ask questions and point out facts. It’s not logical to just make statements but not point out facts to support the statements. One letter asks, “Why are democrats so obsessed with him (Donald Trump)?” It states, “He has every right to question the validity of the 2020 election, just like Hilary Clinton did in the 2016 presidential election and Stacy Abrams did.”
The other letter states, “He (Trump)knew he’d lost” and that many MAGA Republicans are now rushing to defend Trump “instead of standing up for our democracy and our freedom to vote.”
There is no proof of these last two statements. Just making statements doesn’t make them true without proof to back it up.
Jane Sehmer
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