LETTER: Referendum plan not grand, but it meets needs efficiently

To Ozaukee Press:

Voting yes on the Northern Ozaukee School District referendum is the smart thing to do. Having co-chaired the referendum to consolidate the NOSD facilities into a central campus many years ago, I know firsthand it’s no easy task to design a referendum that meets the needs of so many constituents. From students to parents to staff to community members and property and home owners, there is a broad range of often conflicting concerns to consider. 

But that’s exactly what School Supt. Dave Karrels, in partnership with the school board, staff and administrators, and with input from community members who weighed in with their priorities, did in the design of this plan.

It’s not grand, but that’s OK, because it shouldn’t be. What it is, though, is smart. It builds on an existing foundation to make improvements important to all of us—even homeowners like me who don’t have kids attending any of our schools. 

It addresses the district’s needs in a practical, efficient way. It updates our classrooms and technologies to ensure our students are equipped to succeed, whether they’re in elementary school with years in our district ahead of them, or will soon be leaving our classrooms to enter the workforce or attend a university or technical college. 

It properly maintains our facilities and grounds. And it improves security for our children, staff and administrators in a world where, unfortunately, this has to be a top priority for everyone.

It enhances our cafeteria, auditorium and common spaces to not only better serve our students, but to better serve the community with a facility that can be shared by a broader range of community organizations. 

And for homeowners, it preserves the value of our properties—the single greatest asset many of us have—by making sure that families with children will want to buy our homes and move into our communities as we move to the next phase in our lives. 

No, the plan is not grand, but it is critical. And the fact that the school board, educators and so many community members have come together to design it is what makes our community grand.  

So let’s support them by voting yes to the referendum on April 3. It’s the smart thing to do. 

Mary Scheibel

Town of Saukville


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Ozaukee Press

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