LETTER: Postal workers and other Santa helpers made Christmas magic

To Ozaukee Press:

Ozaukee County can be pretty magical, especially around this time of year. I noticed Santa’s mailbox at the post office for the first time and suggested to my daughter Lena that she send him a note (hoping to get some ideas about what she wanted for Christmas).

She went straight to her “art studio” and put together an entire package for him without letting me have a peak. She dropped it off at the Port Washington post office. It didn’t fit in the mailbox, so she left it close by.         

Apparently it caused a bit of a stir, since it didn’t have Santa’s name on it, but it did have Lena’s return address. Post office personnel tried to look her up, eventually found her great-grandmother’s obituary, called Mueller Funeral Home, and were put in contact with Lena’s grandmother in Madison, who was able to resolve the mystery.

Just before Christmas, a special delivery arrived for Lena and her little brother from
Santa himself. What a special treat!

Thank you to the Port Washington post office, Mueller Funeral Home and Santa for helping make the holidays extra magical.

Pamela Hugdahl
Port Washington


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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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