LETTER: Police, firefighters gave kids at Legion a day to remember

KIDS SAT in the driver’s seat of an Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office patrol car and behind the wheel of a Port Washington fire truck at the American Legion’s Children and Youth Month event. Deputy Roger Burke showed children the features of their vehicles.

To Ozaukee Press:

On Saturday, April 27, the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post and

Auxiliary Unit 82 celebrated the American Legion’s April is Children and Youth Month. Dozens of families joined us in a day of fun.

Our Legion family would like to give special thanks to the Port Washington Fire and Police Departments and the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office for providing great experiences for our families.

We know that both young and old enjoyed not only learning about their jobs, but also getting to honk the horns and turn on the sirens while pretending to answer a fire call.

Diane Burkhalter

Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Family

Port Washington


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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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