LETTER: If Trump backers are a ‘cult,’ she’s proud to be a member

To Ozaukee Press:

I am not going to list all of Trump’s accomplishments. We all know how great our economy is, and those who will take the blinders off will see all he has done. But I will break down some of what our president and us Republicans have had to endure.

Twenty minutes after his inauguration, impeachment started. Democrats going out telling the Trump haters to get in our faces, throwing water on us, kicking us out of restaurants, beating on us with clubs, throwing eggs and milk shakes in our faces, causing one reporter a brain hemorrhage. All of this is OK if you hate Trump supporters.                      

According to Donald Harvey’s letter in last week’s Ozaukee Press, we belong to the “Trump cult.” Excuse me, name one member of Trump’s so-called cult that has hurt anyone on the left.  

The First Amendment is only for the Democratic party. Trump is called de-ranged, fat, orange, bully, liar and more.  The Dems spent millions of our money trying to get Trump out of office, but they failed.  

If I am part of a Trump cult, I am proud to be in it because God is also part of it, because prayer is back, pro-life is stronger then ever. The people in Trump’s cult are veterans, police, soldiers, farmers, businessmen and women, doctors, lawyers, teachers, blue-collar workers, waitresses, cooks, clergy, just to name a few. I like being in that group a Trump hater called a cult, and, yes, we are true Republicans.                            

Mary Jane Bravi


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