LETTER: Grothman and others in House failed in funding Secret Service

To Ozaukee Press:

Once again, Rep. Glenn Grothman sloughs off real causes as he discusses a topic in his weekly newsletter, leaving out facts and poorly slanting the narrative. This week it was about what took place in the failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

Grothman doesn’t mention how Congress has failed to live up to its responsibility of giving the Secret Service the necessary funds to fulfill all of its responsibilities until this year. One year has not been enough time to hire and train the right people to do the jobs required of them.

This is not to diminish the poor performance and answers of the now-resigned Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. Her answer that the roof the shooter was on was too steep to place an agent on was about as pathetic an answer as one could expect.

The Secret Service has one of the lowest morale issues in all government agencies—rated 413 out of 439 assessed. Budget caps that were placed on the Secret Service in 2013 for 10 years have restricted the hiring of more agents. The agency remains with the same number of agents as it had 10 years ago.

Grothman and the U.S. House have failed once again to get the people’s work done. Instead, infighting is rampant, and conspiracy theories abound. Grothman should address funding and staffing issues in support of the Secret Service so they can do their job to the level we expect.

There is a choice to replace this highly partisan politician on Nov. 5.  John Zarbano is running on the Democratic Party ticket.

Larry Sanders



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