LETTER: Get dark money out of politics; democracy would be stronger
To Ozaukee Press:
Democracy survives only where everyone has a voice and where differences are worked out through reasonable compromises. The dismal state of politics in Wisconsin and America threatens an end to our democracy. It is a wakeup call to work for all of us who want save our democracy.
The threat to America’s democracy was first on the federal level with the passage of Citizens United, giving corporations the status of a citizen, thereby allowing the corporate wealthy to donate to candidates’ campaigns. This buys influence.
The second biggest threat is the gerrymandering of state legislative districts, whereby politicians using sophisticated computer programs map their districts and choose their voters rather than voters choosing politicians.
This double whammy of Citizens United and gerrymandering will eventually kill our democracy.
What if we the people demanded an end to Citizens United to get dark money out of political campaigns and require mapping of state legislative districts by independent commissions?
What if state and federal candidates were given a set amount of money to run their respective campaigns and a limited amount of time to campaign? Smart candidates would focus on what they would do for us, rather than attack their opponents. They would have to be fiscally responsible with their campaign spending, and we would not be exposed to many long months of tedious harangues.
Marcia Kaminski
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Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
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