LETTER: Disrespect for the president is disrespectful to his supporters
To Ozaukee Press:
I have family members who are veterans and family serving our country right now. The writer of the letter to the editor in last week’s Ozaukee Press that said President Trump shows no respect for veterans should take a history lesson and look up all that he did for our vets. I would like to list all that he has done, but the letter would be too long.
The letter referred to the president as a “bone-spurs draft dodger.” Is the letter writer a medical doctor? Did he see Trump’s medical records? If not, he has no right to say what he said about the president.
When Clinton was our president, and did all the things he was accused of in the Oval Office, I still respected his title. Yes, he was our president, and that office should be respected.
People on the left better think before they speak. The letter criticizing Trump was very disrespectful to all of us respectable, tax-paying, hard-working, God-loving people who respect our president.
Mary Jane Bravi
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