Ladies Night Out draws a fun-loving crowd

Fun topped the itinerary at the 10th annual Ladies Night Out celebration in Grafton on Tuesday, Aug. 7. Hundreds of women attended the event, which showcases downtown businesses and gives visitors a chance to shop for bargains, win prize drawings and enjoy free beverages, food and live music. Above, donning comical costumes for the occasion was a group that included Joan Goebel, Cindy Goebel, Ellen Otter, Suzanne Gahan, Marcia Rennicke, Kathy Kohl, Terri Gahan, Jessica Allion and Macy Allion. Second photo, staff members of Grafton Orthodontics at the event were happy to show their smiles. They included Amanda Olejniczak, Angie Esselmann, Liane Prahl, Allie Weeks, Kristen Kreen, Nikki Umbs, Megan Bradley and Julie Bell. Stopping to pose for a group picture during their Ladies Night Out experience were (bottom photo, from left) Jodie Wolf, Sue Duffy, Evie Karmasin, Evelyn Nowak and Tania Voigt. Photos by Sam Arendt



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