Jenkins isn’t seeking another term as mayor of West Bend

Fredonia administrator says he wants more time to dedicate to new village job


Ozaukee Press staff

Fredonia Village Administrator Christophe Jenkins will not run for re-election as West Bend mayor, he announced recently, so he can devote himself more fully to helping run the village and Town of Fredonia.

“I’m trying to simplify my life for one thing, and to make sure I have a singular focus,” he said.

Jenkins was hired by the village in November, and also serves as Town of Fredonia clerk. The town and village offices are both located in the Fredonia Government Center.

In addition, Jenkins, 33, is the administrator for the Village of Elmwood Park in Racine County. That job comes to a conclusion at the end of this month.

“I’ve been working for four municipalities. I’m looking forward to working for just one,” he said.

Jenkins has been West Bend mayor since April 2020 and lives there with his wife Leann and their five children. Before that he served two terms as an alderman and one term as a Washington County supervisor.

Jenkins was hired by the Town of Fredonia as its clerk in August.

Jenkins, who is paid $90,000 a year, is a full-time village employee but continues to help oversee town affairs, with the town reimbursing the village for time spent on town matters.

Village President Don Dohrwardt and Jenkins have said about 30% of his time will be spent on town business.








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