Huntin’ for pumpkins in Upper Lake Park

A crowd of youngsters and their families spent time in Upper Lake Park in Port Washington on a chilly Friday, Oct. 27, during Huntin’ for Pumpkins, sponsored by the Port Parks and Recreation Department, along with PW Pride and the Greater Port Washington Kiwanis Club. Giving their gourds goofy faces were (top left photo) 6-year-olds Mayla Pleitner, Madelyn Herian and Hazel Ryer. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Lance Gerloff, 5, (bottom) was accompanied by his appropriately dressed grandparents, Roland Faas and Joan Joas-Faas. Handing out concessions were (upper right) members of PW Pride Marcus Lucatero, Jimmy Ward and Alex Fritz.   Photos by Sam Arendt


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