Fish Day T-shirts being sold by Rotary Club

A special T-shirt to mark the canceled Fish Day festival in Port Washington is being sold by the Port-Saukville Rotary Club.

The shirts feature the slogan “Fish Day 2020: The One That Got Away” as well as the image of a fish spitting out a hook baited with the coronavirus.

The shirts are $25 and come in men’s and women’s sizes.

All proceeds will go toward Rotary Club projects.

Fish Day is a major fundraiser for area service clubs, but due to the coronavirus this year’s festival was canceled.

Shirts must be ordered online at

Shirts are also being displayed at Tello’s, Fork & Tap and NewPort Shores restaurant in Port. Each location has cards with a QR code for the website that can be scanned on a cell phone.

The shirts can be shipped or picked up at Portal Industries.



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