Filings underway for 2020 elections

Ozaukee Press Staff

People interested in running for Grafton village, town and school boards in the spring 2020 election may begin circulating candidacy papers.

In the village, Trustees Lisa Uribe Harbeck, David Liss and Susan Meinecke are up for re-election.

Town Supervisors Tom Sykora and Tom Grabow are also seeking re-election.

Trustees and supervisors serve two-year terms.

Grafton School Board President Paul Lorge and board members Steve Nauta and Carrie Walls are up for re-election. School Board members serve three-year terms.

The deadline to file candidacy papers is 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 7. For incumbents, the deadline to file noncandidacy papers is 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 27.

If they don’t file either, the Jan. 7 candidacy paper deadline gets extended by 72 hours.

The spring election is Tuesday, April 7.

If more than two people are running for a given seat, a primary election will be held Tuesday, Feb. 18.



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Ozaukee Press

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